Channel: Pantstaterry Goodness
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gilgameshbootychan replied to your post: zanmetsun replied to your post: to nap or not...

booty booty booty

gilgameshbootychan: goattier: why do some of my favorite series have bad fandoms :C because...




why do some of my favorite series have bad fandoms :C

because people are into your fandoms

and people are stupid

hello and welcome to the fandumb

pls enjoy ur stay 5evur

bro: hey umm, what does btw mean?

bro: hey umm, what does btw mean?
me: born to wank
bro: *typing sounds*

got kicked in my ninja balls note to self, always wear protective padding when going ninja 


got kicked in my ninja balls

note to self, always wear protective padding when going ninja 

wow hello 2 in the morning


here are all of my shits for today

they need a good home

pls take good care of them

geoffreymation: thekonamicode: Anybody else hyped for the best...

zanmetsun replied to your post: wow hello 2 in the morning /takes in your shits into my house and...

zanmetsun: Once upon a time there was man named Kotormeenay Keeray who was a very uguu kawaii...



Once upon a time there was man named Kotormeenay Keeray who was a very uguu kawaii priest and he lived in a cute little church in Fuyugay city.

However even though Keeray-chan was the kawaiiest priest of all, he knew there was something missing in his life and every night he would be all ububububu-like and crey many moe tears ;_;

One night though some blonde haired baka gaijin visited him and said “Heyy thurr Keeraay how u doin’?” and Keeray replied “Woah fuck who are you and why are you wearing those very gay snake pants?” To which this blonde gaijin-kun replied “Hey man Kotormeenay you just need to chillax a little and smoke a bowl of yuetsu and get high on rejoice!”

“Y-yuetsu? What is this Y U E T S U” wondered Kotormeenay but he did what Gaygarmesh told him to do and together they killed some shitcunt named Tokiomi and lived happily ever after because he learned what a true yuetsu is.

reblerg if u creyed abububububu



welp time to hide


ppls are back 2 skewl

everyone’s waking up early and shit

saturatedwords: Excalibur. *If you’ve seen Soul Eater, you...

penguinanimalcracker: i feel like shit about myself today but at least i have this gif


changedintofire requested: watchmen opening sequence

Send this to the all the nicest people on tumblr. If you receive this message then someone is trying to tell you that they are incredible happy you ever joined tumblr. You are not only running a tumblr worthwhile following, but you are also a totally kind and awesome person. Without you my tumblr experience wouldn’t have been the same.

kitkaloid: i got a cat yesterday but i think he’s broken



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