Channel: Pantstaterry Goodness
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kirstenly: What have I done? What have I DONE?!

Video Game In Colors. Inspired by : (x)


Video Game In Colors.

Inspired by : (x)

acetactician: then BERSERKER KANJI and SNIPER NAOTO

The internet just changed: Net Neutrality is dead.

The internet just changed: Net Neutrality is dead.:








Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.

We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.

We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]

This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?

[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”.

[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics


we’re almost 3/4 of the way there!! c’mon guys, every bit counts!

will it ever stop

fucking signal boost



Last one, SIGNAL BOOST!!!

lolrider: Servant Statistics: tfw no gf Class: CasterPotential...



Servant Statistics: tfw no gf

Class: Caster
Potential Classes: Assassin, Berserker, CasterAlignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: EMana: B
Luck: E, A+ for specific items, events
Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills
Presence Concealment: C
Territory Creation: B, can create very powerful workshops, but reserved primarily for small and/or private rooms
Independent Action: D

Personal Skills
Collector: D, and only in regards to niche collector’s items
Librarian of Stored Knowledge: D, and only in regards to niche information
Hikikomori: A, while not a true Hikikomori, tfw no gf gains many benefits from staying inside, boosting his Independent Action parameter to a rank A- and granting a boost to magical capability as long as he does not leave his created territory
Eye of the Mind (False): EX, this ability is so powerful that it even obstructs the servant’s ordinary social life.  An extreme aversion to risk, danger, and uncomfortable social situations.
Innocent Monster: B
Delusion: A
A Meme Never Dies!: C, unfortunately tenacious

Noble Phantasms
My Waifu Is Real!: Reality Marble - B, a bastardized form of true magecraft.  tfw no gf is incapable of orthodox magic, but through the use of it’s reality marble is capable of unleashing magic like effects, from basic attack spells to complex summoning.  The effect and strength of this magic is dependent on tfw no gf’s collection, with individual items used as catalysts or fetishes.  The more worth associated with an item, the more powerful it becomes in relation to the reality marble.  When first summoned as a servant, tfw no gf’s immediate priority is to develop a workshop, and then gather as many collector’s items in as short a time as possible.  The types of items they collect varies from time period to time period, but the more items they can collect, in terms of quantity and quality, the more powerful they become as servants.

I Know that Feel, Bro: Mystic Eyes - D, an objectively powerful Noble Phantasm, it loses marks for it’s extremely limited application.  tfw no gf possesses the ability to enthrall human with similar mindsets through the use of their mystic eyes.  These thralls can then be used to scout, gather more paraphernalia, or even attack and harass other servants or masters participating in the Grail War.  Due to tfw no gf’s alignment, these thralls are generally only used pragmatically, and to directly benefit tfw no gf, but the usage of this ability is fundamentally under the control of tfw no gf’s master, and so how kind or unkind tfw no gf is to their thralls fluctuates based on the alignment of those who control them.

tfw no gf is a mysterious servant.  Even for a Caster class servant, tfw no gf is unusually withdrawn and enigmatic, preferring to minimizing social contact, but extremely clingy to people they feel have “accepted” them.

tfw no gf almost never leaves their workshop once the Grail War starts, using thralls and imbued figurines to scout and generally interact with the outside world.

The workshop is not particularly well defended, but rather is well hidden.  The Reality Marble, do to its function as a reagent based system, is relatively difficult to sense from the outside world, and can generally be masked somewhat, although the more it is used the more noticeable it becomes.

tfw no gf fights other servants and masters primarily through the use of the Reality Marble, more often than not never leaving their workshop.  A fundamentally frustrating enemy to fight against.

sm980: crazy-cipher: Someone who’s never watched Gravity Falls...




Someone who’s never watched Gravity Falls please explain this image. 

it’s kill la kill season 2

theriotleague: Leona, the radiant dawn by Skyzocat


There are times when you wish you could tell people that you...


There are times when you wish you could tell people that you just want to run yourself over.

But you don’t.

And then there are times that you go ahead and tell.

But everyone thinks you’re kidding.

"Why are you so dependent on people?" your voice, the one of reason, asks yourself.

"Because I can’t depend on you," you answer.



weagueofwegends: A flexible pair v2 by NIELSPETERDEJONG

cosplaygirl: Ragyo Kiryuin by FransuazaStein on deviantART

phrygiah: gameraboy: Godzilla vs. Charles Barkley #is this...



scottfoss: I asked my roommate what she would wish for if she...



I asked my roommate what she would wish for if she were a magical girl in Madoka, and then this wonderful mess poured out of her mouth.

"If you are a writer, and you have a novel idea that you are excited about writing, write it. Don’t..."

“If you are a writer, and you have a novel idea that you are excited about writing, write it. Don’t go on message boards and ask random Internet denizens whether or not something is allowed. … Who is the writer here? YOU ARE. Whose book is it? YOUR BOOK. There are no writing police. No one is going to arrest you if you write a teen vampire novel post Twilight. No one is going to send you off to a desert island to live a wretched life of worm eating and regret because your book includes things that could be seen as cliché.

If you have a book that you want to write, just write the damn thing. Don’t worry about selling it; that comes later. Instead, worry about making your book good. Worry about the best way to order your scenes to create maximum tension, worry about if your character’s actions are actually in character; worry about your grammar. DON’T worry about which of your stylistic choices some potential future editor will use to reject you, and for the love of My Little Ponies don’t worry about trends. Trying to catching a trend is like trying to catch a falling knife—dangerous, foolhardy, and often ending in tears, usually yours.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t pay attention to what’s getting published; keeping an eye on what’s going on in your market is part of being a smart and savvy writer. But remember that every book you see hitting the shelves today was sold over a year ago, maybe two. Even if you do hit a trend, there’s no guarantee the world won’t be totally different by the time that book comes out. The only certainty you have is your own enthusiasm and love for your work. …

If your YA urban fantasy features fairies, vampires, and selkies and you decide halfway through that the vampires are over-complicating the plot, that is an appropriate time to ax the bloodsuckers. If you decide to cut them because you’re worried there are too many vampire books out right now, then you are betraying yourself, your dreams, and your art.

If you’re like pretty much every other author in the world, you became a writer because you had stories you wanted to tell. Those are your stories, and no one can tell them better than you can. So write your stories, and then edit your stories until you have something you can be proud of. Write the stories that excite you, stories you can’t wait to share with the world because they’re just so amazing. If you want to write Murder She Wrote in space with anime-style mecha driven by cats, go for it. Nothing is off limits unless you do it badly.

And if you must obsess over something, obsess over stuff like tension and pacing and creating believable characters. You know, the shit that matters. There are no writing police. This is your story, no one else’s. Tell it like you want to.”


Rachel Aaron (via relatedworlds)

Yeah, so, this answers a lot of asks I get. It’s also why YW focuses on technique and style, and less on content and research.

(via clevergirlhelps)

This is so important

(via freddlounds)

File this under things I don’t remember reblogging, and another post where my comment isn’t sourced (but obv it was me cause it says YW!).

(via yeahwriters)

Video game music: -Louder than 1000 canons going off while satan sings karaoke-

Video game music: -Louder than 1000 canons going off while satan sings karaoke-
Video game dialog: -Quieter than a dying mans last breath-

weagueofwegends: Ffiora side by azinqe

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